Rungruangchai Samui Construction Co., Ltd. is reliable contractor in Koh Samui. Our construction and renovation staff and project managers and cooperating companies has stayed the same for years. This ensures high-quality knowledge and a fast and high quality construction results. We have listed a few things why you should choose us as a contractor.
Rungruangchai Samui Construction Co., Ltd. Since 1980
- Koh Samui knowledge
- Reliablity
- Competitive prices
- Local company
- professional management
- Wormanship
- Extensive co-operation
- Staying on schedule

Customers have been important to us since the company was founded. We always take feedback seriously and develop the company according to needs. Over the years, largely thanks to good feedback, we can promise quality construction services with professionalism for all projects.
Project management
Architec services
Satisfied customers
On time
On Budget
building knowledge for decades
family business and locality bring trustworthiness
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